In Tibetan:
’Phags pa dkon brtsegs pa chen po chos kyi rnam grangs le’u stong phrag brgya pa las ’od srungs kyi le’u rgya cher ’grel pa (Pek. 5510, Derge 4009).
In Chinese:
Da Baoji jing lun 大寶積經論 (T1523). See Ono Genmyō,
Bussho kaisetsu daijiten 佛書解說大辭典, 7.493c–494a, Sakurabe Bunkyō 櫻部文鏡.
This commentary extensively quotes the sūtra.
Ed. in both Tibetan and Chinese: Staël-Holstein, Alexander von. 1933.
A Commentary to the Kāçyapaparivarta: Edited in Tibetan and Chinese. Peking: National Library of Peking and the National Tsinghua University.
More recently see: Ōtake, Susumu 大竹晋. 2008.
Shin Kokuyaku Daizōkyō 新国訳大蔵経, Shakukyōronbu 釈経論部 15,
Daihōshaku kyōron 大宝積経論. Tokyo: Daizō shuppan 大蔵出版.
Other references below under "Studies"
Chinese version is attributed to Bodhiruci I of the Later Wei 後魏 between 508 and 535. See entry