User suggestions for study: Saitō, Takanobu 齊藤隆信. 2008. “Hakuenyaku Shuraikyō no ge to Myakureki no ‘kōshō bonbai’” 白延訳『須頼経』の偈と覓歴の「高声梵唄」. [A Study of the gāthās in the Xulai jing Translated by Baiyan and Mili's Gaosheng fanbei.] In Bukkyō to bunka: Tada Kōshū hakase koki kinen ronshū 仏教と文化:多田孝正博士古稀記念論集, edited by Tada Kōshū hakase koki kinen ronshū kankōkai 多田孝正博士古稀記念論集刊行会, 259–281(R). Tokyo: Sankibōbusshorin 山喜房仏書林.
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