Preached at Rājagr̥ha. Juan 1: Mahākāśyapa asks about anuttarasamyaksambodhi. Answer: One must distance oneself from 20 things; After the Buddha’s death, there will be a decline in the law. Even one raising the bodhicitta draws close to bhukṣuṇis, eats impure food etc. 20 items, does not worship 3 jewels, slanders this text. Juan 2: four types of bodhisattvacaryā. Juan 3: all dharmas are anupalambha; restraint of the householder bodhisattva. The contents of T. 311 and 310 (1) are nearly identical.
Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2006. "Daihōshakukyō 'sanritsugikai' ni mirareru zaike bosatsu no gyōhō: Ikugachōjashomonkyō to no hikaku o tōshite" 『大宝積経』「三律儀会」にみられる在家菩薩の行法: 『郁伽長者所問経』との比較を通して [Practice of the householder bodhisattva in the Trisaṁvaranirdeśa" comparison with the Ugraparipṛcchā]. Jōdo shinshū sōgō kenkyū 浄土真宗総合研究 1: 161–162.