Sutra Information:

19 Gr̥hapatyUgraparipr̥cchā

Tibetan Sources (1)

  1. Khyim bdag drag zhul can gis zhus pa

    Witnesses (2)

    Woodblock Print (1)

    Manuscript (1)

    • IOL Tib J 244 I


      See Yamaguchi Zuihō et al. Sutain shūshū Chibetto-go bunken kaidai mokuroku [A catalogue of the Tibetan manuscripts collected by Sir Aurel Stein] III.40–41.

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (3)

    • Colophon. Derge print: Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. For colophons, visit the rKTs webpage
    • Mahāvyutpatti 1396: Ugraparipr̥cchā = drag shul can gyis zhus pa.
    • Ldan kar ma 43: ’phags pa khyim bdag drag shul can gyis zhus pa / 750 ślo ka / 2 bam po/ 150 ślo ka.


    Tib. closest to 310(19), farthest from T. 323.

Chinese Sources (3)

  1. Yuqie zhangzhe hui 郁伽長者會 (T310[19])

    Witnesses (5)

    Manuscript (5)

    • CN LM20 1496 22 03


      = Taishō vol XI 474a25-27. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1461 38 19


      = Taishō vol XI 474a25-27. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • Pelliot Chn 3354 lines 299–369


      = Taishō vol XI 476a3–477c2. The color images can be accessed here.

    • Pelliot Chn 3348


      = Taishō vol XI 477a14–643a17. Nota Bene! this extends through Sūtra 44 of the MRK! Further note that the manuscript is written in red and thence quite difficult to read.

    • Stein 5506 (2)


      = Taishō vol XI 472b7–16

    Translations (1)

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • KSL 486c25-26: Fei Chang/Zhangfang attr. to *Saṁghavarman (Kang Sengkai 康僧鎧). 1, 2 or 3 juan. Alternate title Yujia qieluoyue wen pusaxing jing 郁迦伽羅越問菩薩行經. 嘉平四年出 = 252. 487a3-4: 於洛陽白馬寺郁伽長者經等三部. For the 'person' of this Saṁghavarman (Kang Sengkai 康僧鎧), see CBC@ entry here.

    Variant Titles (1)

    • Yuqie zhangzhe suowen jing 郁伽長者所問經.


    Taishō vol XI 472b5–480b29

  2. Fajing jing 法鏡經 (T322)

    Witnesses (3)

    Woodblock Print (1)

    • Ch/U 7368r (T II D 320)


      fragment of Qidan canon = Taishō vol XII 20a5–8

    Manuscript (2)

    • DE Ch 1328v


      = Taishō vol XII 19a5-12.

    • CN LM20 1504 410*


      = Taishō vol XII 15b28-c2. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (2)

    • Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@: For extensive discussion of the traditional attributions, see CBC@ entry here.
    • GYT 350a14: 以霊帝光和四年歳次辛酉於洛陽譯法鏡經二卷 … 嚴佛調筆受. This suggests 181 CE as date of translation.

    Modern Catalogue Info (2)

    • Nanjio 33
    • Korean 32


    Claims of 'lost' translations: Yuqie changzhe suowen jing 郁伽長者所問經, KSL 524a26-27, i juan. 6th trans. 第六出與安玄法鏡經及寶積郁伽長者會等同本見李. ZXSM 821a7-8 = KSL. Yuqie luoyue wen pusa jing 郁伽羅越問菩薩經, Ono 1.109.

  3. Yujia qieluoyue wen pusaxing jing 郁迦伽羅越問菩薩行經 (T323)

    Witnesses (5)

    Manuscript (5)

    • CN LM20 1519 10 02


      = Taishō vol XII 29b16-17.

    • CN LM20 1519 10 01


      = Taishō vol XII 26b4-6.

    • DE Ch 1884r


      = Taishō vol XII 24c6-11.

    • BD 11323


      = Taishō vol XII 30b4-10

    • Дх 17441


      = Taishō vol XII 23b13-c19

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (4)

    • Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@: Dharmarakṣa 竺法. See here.
    • CSJJ 7c15: 1 or 2 juan.
    • DTNL 226c27: attributed to Kang Senghui c27, dated 249 in Luoyang.
    • GYT 353c3: Dhr.

    Modern Catalogue Info (2)

    • Nanjio 34
    • Korean 33

Translations (1)

  • A Few Good Men


    Nattier, Jan. 2005. A Few Good Men: The Bodhisattva Path according to The Inquiry of Ugra (Ugraparipṛccha). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. The rendering takes account of the Kanjur Tibetan translation, Chinese versions and the then known Sanskrit materials.


Studies (31)

  • Daijō kyōten kenkyūkai 大乗経典研究会 (Kano Kazuo, Li Xuezhu, Ye Shaoyong, Mibu Yasunori, Michimoto Daisei, Kitayama Yusei, Yasukawa Mayu). 2020. "Ikugachōjashomonkyō no bonbun itsubun: Sūtrālaṃkāraparicaya 'kiehon' yori" 郁伽長者所問経の梵文佚文: Sūtrālaṃkāraparicaya「帰依品」より [Sanskrit excerpts from the Ugradattaparipṛcchā: Quotations in the Sūtrālaṃkāraparicaya, Śaraṇagamanādhikāra]. Indogaku chibettogaku kenkyū インド学チベット学研究 24: 293–316.
  • Hachiriki Hiroki 八力広喜. 1994. “Jūjūbibosharon ni okeru Ikugachōjashomonkyō in'yō no igi"『十住毘婆沙論』における『郁伽長者所問経』引用の意義 [ A Significance of Quotations from the Ugradattapariprccha in the Dasabhumikavibhasasastra ]. Hokkaidō Musashi joshi tanki daigaku kiyō 北海道武蔵女子短期大学紀要 26: 89-115. Find it here
  • Hayashiya, Tomojirō 林屋友次郎. 1932. “Hōshaku Ikugachōja-e oyobi sono iyakukyō no yakusha no kenkyū” 寶積郁伽長者會及びその異譯經の譯者の研究. Sōen 想苑 4/5: 21–30; 4/6: 11–18.
  • Itō Shinden 伊藤進傳. 2019. “Jūjūbibasharon ni okeru zaike bosatsu” 十住毘婆沙論における在家菩薩 [Lay Bodhisattvas in the Daśabhūmikavibhāṣaśāstra]. Tendai gakuhō 天台学報 61: 73–83.
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2000. “Ikugachōjashomonkyō ni okeru gokai” 『郁伽長者所問経』における五戒. IBK 48, no. 2: 318–320.
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2001. "Bongyō o shusuru zaikeshinja" 梵行を修する在家信者 [The Brahmacariya Practiced by the Householder]. Ryūkoku daigaku daigakuin bungaku kenkyūyka kiyō 龍谷大学大学院文学研究科紀要 23: 1–16.
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2002. “Ikugachōjashomonkyō ni okeru zaike shukke no kōshō” 『郁伽長者所問経』における在家・出家の交渉. Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 仏教学研究 57: 77–102(R).
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2002. “Ikugachōjashomonkyō ni tokareru zaike no igi” 『郁伽長者所問経』に説かれる在家の意義. IBK 50, no. 2: 159–161.
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2003. “Shukkesha ni taisuru zaike bosatsu no yakuwari: Ikugachōjashomonkyō wo chūshin to shite” 出家者に対する在家菩薩の役割 —『郁伽長者所問経』を中心として. IBK 51, no. 2: 176–178.
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2003. “Zaikeshinja no fuin” 在家信者の不婬. Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 76, no. 4: 199–200.
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2005. “Shukkesha tōsō ni okeru zaikesha no yakuwari: Daijōbukkyō kigen ni kakawaru kousatsu” 出家者闘諍における在家者の役割 — 大乗仏教起源に関わる一考察. Shūgakuin ronshū 宗学院論集 77: 1–24.
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2006. "Daihōshakukyō 'sanritsugikai' ni mirareru zaike bosatsu no gyōhō: Ikugachōjashomonkyō to no hikaku o tōshite" 『大宝積経』「三律儀会」にみられる在家菩薩の行法: 『郁伽長者所問経』との比較を通して [Practice of the householder bodhisattva in the Trisaṁvaranirdeśa" comparison with the Ugraparipṛcchā]. Jōdo shinshū sōgō kenkyū 浄土真宗総合研究 1: 161–162.
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2007. “Arannyosho ni jūsuru shukkebosatsu” 阿蘭若処に住する出家菩薩. IBK 56, no. 1: 223–228(R).
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2007. “Shoki daijōkyōten ni okeru shukkebosatsu no kai” 初期大乗経典における出家菩薩の戒. IBK 55, no. 2: 16–21(R).
  • Kagawa, Shinji 香川真二. 2013. "Ikugachōjashomonkyō ni okeru shomondai"『郁伽長者所問経』における諸問題 [Some problems in the Ugraparipṛcchā]. Shinran to ningen: Kokakai shūkyō kenkyū ronshū 親鸞と人間:光華会宗教研究論集 (Kyoto: Nagata bunshōdō 永田文昌堂) 4: 155–184.
  • Mochizuki, Ryōkō 望月良晃. 1964. “Ikugachōjakyō ni arawareta bosatsu no shūkyō seikatsu” 郁伽長者経にあらわれた菩薩の宗教生活. IBK 12, no. 2: 128–129.
  • Mochizuki, Ryōkō 望月良晃. 1966. “Shoki daijōbukkyō ni okeru bosatsu no shūkyō seikatsu: Ikugachōjakyō wo chūshin to shite” 初期大乗仏教における菩薩の宗教生活 - 郁伽長者経を中心として. Ōsaki gakuhō 大崎学報 121: 88–89.
  • Nattier, Jan. 2002. “The ‘Eleven Precepts’ for Laity in the Ugraparipṛcchā.” In Early Buddhism and Abhidharma Thought in Honour of Dr. Hajime Sakurabe on His Seventy-seventh Birthday, edited by The Sakurabe Ronshu Comittee, 33–43. Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten.
  • Nattier, Jan. 2005. A Few Good Men: The Bodhisattva Path according to The Inquiry of Ugra (Ugraparipṛccha). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.


    Reprinted in 2007 under the deceptive title The Bodhisattva Path: Based on the Ugraparipṛcchā, a Mahāyāna Sūtra. Buddhist Tradition vol. 56. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

  • Ozawa, Kenju 小澤憲珠. 2005. “Jūjūbibosharon ni okeru kyōgōhō to Ikugachōjakyō” 『十住毘婆沙論』における共行法と『郁伽長者経』. In Taishō daigaku jōdogaku kenkyūkai 大正大学浄土学研究会, edited by Jōdokyō no shisō to rekishi: Maruyama Hakushōkyōu koki kinen ronshū 浄土教の思想と歴史-丸山博正教授古稀記念論集, 473–502 (R). Tokyo: Sankibōbusshorin 山喜房仏書林.
  • Ozawa Kenju 小澤憲珠. 2005. "Jūjūbibosharon ni okeru kyōgyōhō to Ikugachōjakyō" 『十住毘婆沙論』における共行法と『郁伽長者経』 [Practice for Both Priests and Lay Persons in Daśabhūmikavibhāṣā śāstra (Shih-chu-pi-po-sha-lun) and Ugraparipṛcchā]. Jōdokyō no shisō to rekishi: Maruyama Hiromasa kyōju koki kinen ronshū 浄土教の思想と歴史:丸山博正教授古稀記念論集 (Tokyo: Sankibō busshorin 山喜房仏書林): 473–502.
  • Pagel, Ulrich. 2006. "About Ugra and His Friends: A Recent Contribution on Early Mahāyāna Buddhism. A Review Article." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Third Series 16.1: 73–82.
  • Schlingloff. 1966. ZDMG 116: 419-425. Śikṣ quotation in Turfan materials. SHT IV #1015ff.
  • Schuster, Nancy J. 1976. “The Ugraparipṛcchā, the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra and Early Mahāyana Buddhism.” PhD Dissertation, University of Michigan.
  • Schuster, Nancy J. 1984. “Yoga-Master Dharmamitra and Clerical Misogyny in Fifth Century Buddhism.” Tibet Journal 9, no. 4: 33–46.
  • Schuster, Nancy J. 1985. “The Bodhisattva Figure in the Ugraparipr̥cchā.” In New Paths in Buddhist Research, edited by Anthony K. Warder, 26–56. Durham, North Carolina: The Acorn Press.
  • Shimoda Masahiro 下田正弘. 2004. "Bosatsu no Bukkyō: Jan Natie-cho 'A fyū guddo men' ni " 菩薩の仏教 : ジャン・ナティエ著『ア・フュー・グッド・メン』に寄せて [Rev of Nattier 2005]. Hokke bunka kenkyū 法華文化研究 30: 1–18.
  • Sugimoto, Takushū 杉本卓洲. 1993. “Ikugachōjashomonkyō ni mieru bosatsutachi” 『郁伽長者所問経』にみえる菩薩たち. Indotetsugaku bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度哲学仏教学 8: 84–104.
  • Sugimoto, Takushū 杉本卓洲. 1994. “Ikugachōjashomonkyō ni miru bosatsutachi” 『郁伽長者所問経』にみる菩薩たち. Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 299: 212–213(R).
  • Tokiya, Kōki 釈舎幸紀. 1967. “Jūjūbibasharon ni okeru zaikebosatsu no seikaku: Ikugachōjakyō no kankei wo chūshin to shite” 十住毘婆沙論における在家菩薩の性格 - 郁伽長者経の関係を中心として. Ryūkoku daigaku bukkyō bunka kenkyūjo kiyō 龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要 6: 86–90.
  • Tokiya, Kōki 釈舎幸紀. 1968. “Jūjūbibasharon ni inyō sareru futatsu no Shomongyō” 十住毘婆舎論に引用される二つの所問経. Ryūkoku daigaku bukkyō bunka kenkyūjo kiyō 龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要 7: 100–104.

Titles (1)

  • 阿唎二合亜 郁迦囉八哩二合巴哩赤三合


    至 185a9-10

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