Sutra Information:

21 Bhadramāyākāravyākaraṇa

Tibetan Sources (1)

  1. Sgyu ma mkhan bzang po lung bstan pa (D65)

    Witnesses (1)

    Woodblock Print (1)

    • Tibetan witness(es) for Sgyu ma mkhan bzang po lung bstan pa (D65)
      can be found on the rKTs webpage

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (2)

    • Colophon. Derge print: Jinamitra, Prajñāvarma, and Ye shes sde. For colophons, visit the rKTs webpage
    • Ldan kar ma 45: ’phags pa sgyu ma mkhan bzang po lung bstan pa / 430 ślo ka / 1 bam po/ 130 ślo ka

Chinese Sources (2)

  1. Shou huanshi batuoluo ji hui 授幻師跋陀羅記會 (T310 [21])

    Witnesses (1)

    Manuscript (1)

    • 上圖76


      = Taishō vol XI 486b17–492b18

    Translations (2)

    • Jugenshi badaraki-e 授幻師跋陀羅記會


      Kokuyaku issaikyō: Hōshaku­bu 國譯一切經・寶積部 v.51–70 (1571–1590). Nagai Makoto 長井眞琴.

    • The Prophecy of the Magician Bhadra's Attainment of Buddhahood


      Chang, Garma C.C. (general ed.). 1983. A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras: Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra, 3-23. University Park and London: The Pennsylvania State University Press. The translation does not render 490a3–5; 490a9–b8; 490b11–16; 490b19–c2; 490c4–11; 490c20–491a5; 491a10–22; 491a25–b12.

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@: Bodhiruci 菩提流志. Full CBC@ entry on Bodhiruci forthcoming.


    Taishō vol XI 486b15–492b18

  2. Huanshi renxian jing 幻士仁賢經 (T324)

    Witnesses (1)

    Manuscript (1)

    • 敦研178


      = Taishō vol XII 31c15-32a19

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@: Dharmarakṣa 竺法護. See full entry here.

    Modern Catalogue Info (2)

    • Nanjio 35
    • Korean 34


    T. 324, vol XII 31a7–37a25

Other Classical Language Sources (1)

  1. Khotanese paraphrase


    According to Emmerick (1966), Chapter 2 of the Book of Zambasta is essentially a paraphrase of this sūtra.

Translations (4)


Titles (2)

  • 阿唎二合亜 巴椪囉二合麻牙哥哩八哩二合巴哩赤三合


    至 185a17-18

  • 阿唎二合亜 拔怛囉二合麻牙迦哩八哩二合巴哩赤三合


    至 187a23-24

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