Sutra Information:

23 Maitreyamahāsiṁhanāda

Tibetan Sources (1)

  1. Byams pa’i seng ge’i sgra chen po

    Witnesses (2)

    Woodblock Print (1)

    • Tibetan witness(es) for Byams pa’i seng ge’i sgra chen po
      can be found on the rKTs webpage

    Manuscript (1)

    • P tib 93


      Lalou cat. I.30–31; see here

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (2)

    • Unspecified unspecified: Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi, Prajñāvarma, and Ye shes sde. For colophons, visit the rKTs webpage
    • Ldan kar ma 47: ’phags pa byams pa seng ge’i sgra / 1200 ślo ka / 4 bam po.

Chinese Sources (1)

  1. Mohe jiashe hui 摩訶迦葉會 (T0310[23])

    Witnesses (4)

    Manuscript (4)

    • CN LM20 1460 09 04


      = Taishō vol XI 502c26-29. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • 羽5冊347


      = Taishō vol XI 513b22-c21

    • Stein 4378 (1–2)


      = Taishō vol XI 510c14-511a15

    • Stein 5610 (1, 3, 2, 4)


      = Taishō vol XI 508a2-509a5; 508a6-c5; 508c5-509c5; 509a5-7

    Translations (1)

    • Maka kashō-e 摩訶迦葉會


      Kokuyaku issaikyō: Hōshaku­bu 國譯一切經・寶積部 v.100–142 (1620–1662). Nagai Makoto 長井眞琴.

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • KSL 543a13-14: Trans. attributed to *Ūrdhvaśūnya, accepted by Pelliot JA 1934: 26n, T'oung Pao 27.2–3 (1930) 218 [or Upaśūnya, Watanabe and Leumann ZDMG 62: 105] (Yueposhouna 月婆首那) in 541. KSL 543a13-14. 摩訶迦葉經二卷亦云大迦葉經或無大字與和三年公孫騰第譯見經前序今編入寶積富第二十二會. Biography at 543a19-23.


    Taishō vol XI 501b10–514b7


Studies (4)

  • Katō, Junichirō 加藤純一郎. 2008. “‘Makakashōe’ ni mirareru yakugojō no mondai”「摩訶迦葉会」に見られる訳語上の問題. Taishō daigaku sōgō bukkyō kenkyūjo nenpō 大正大学綜合仏教研究所年報 30: 275–275(R).
  • Ochiai Toshinori 落合俊典. 1992. “Gatsubashūna-yaku Kashōkyō ni kanserareta kyōjo no yukue” 月婆首那訳迦葉経に冠せられた経序の行方 [Articles tracing of the preface appended the Jiashe jing (Arya-Maitreya-mahāsimhanāda-nāma-mahāyānasūtra) translated by *Ūrdhvaśūnya]. Bukkyō shigaku kenkyū 仏教史学研究 35.2: 61–77.
  • Schopen, Gregory. 1999. “The Bones of a Buddha and the Business of a Monk: Conservative Monastic Values in an Early Mahāyāna Polemical Tract.” Journal of Indian Philosophy 27.4: 279–324.


    Reprinted in Figments and Fragments of Mahayana Buddhism in India: More Collected Papers (Honolulu: Univerity of Hawai’i Press, 2005): 63–107.

  • Shimoda, Masahiro 下田正弘. 1991. “Daijōnehangyō to Hōshakukyō Makakashōe: Buttō shinkō no hitei”『大乗涅槃経』と『宝積経・摩訶迦葉会』-仏塔信仰の否定. Tōhōgaku 東方学 82: 129–118(L).

Titles (1)

  • 麻訶迦葉毘


    至 185a27

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