Sutra Information:

43 *Kāśyapaparivarta

Sanskrit Sources (1)

  1. *Kāśyapaparivarta

    Studies (1)

    • Weller, Friedrich. 1935. Index to the Indian Text of the Kāçyapaparivarta. Harvard Sino-Indian Series II (Cambridge: Harvard-Yenching Institute). Reprinted in Weller 1987: I.543-605.

    Modern Editions (9)

Tibetan Sources (2)

  1. Kanjur: ’Od srung gi le’u. (D87)

    Witnesses (1)

    Woodblock Print (1)

    Studies (1)

    • Weller, Friedrich. 1933. Index to the Tibetan Translation of the Kāçyapaparivarta. Harvard Sino-Indian Series I (Cambridge: Harvard-Yenching Institute).

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (3)

    • Mahāvyutpatti 1363: Ishihama & Fukuda ed.: Ratnakūṭa = dkon mchog brtsegs pa.
    • Ldan kar ma 67: ’phags pa ’od srungs kyis zhus pa | 900 ślo ka | 3 bam po ||
    • Colophon. Derge print: Jinamitra, Śīlendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. For colophons, visit the rKTs webpage.

    Modern Editions (1)

  2. ’Od srung gi le’u

    Witnesses (9)

    Manuscript (9)

    • IOL Tib J 153
    • Pelliot tibétain 676
    • Pelliot tibétain 673
    • Pelliot tibétain 672
    • Pelliot tibétain 671
    • IOL Tib J 59
    • IOL Tib J 56
    • IOL Tib J 55
    • IOL Tib J 152


      Poussin cat. 57–58, Tōyō Bunko cat. II. 81; see here

    Variant Titles (1)

    • *Kāśyapaparivarta


      For 至 186b7, Tibetan is missing.

Chinese Sources (6)

  1. Puming pusa hui 普明菩薩會 (T0310[43])

    Witnesses (14)

    Manuscript (14)

    • JP MS05074r


      = Taishō vol XI 635a21-23. Transcribed in Oda Yoshihisa 小田義久, ed., Ōtani monjo shūsei 大谷文書集成 (法藏館) III p. 117

    • CN LM20 1464 25 10


      = Taishō vol XI 635c15-18. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1452 39 08


      = Taishō vol XI 635c3-7. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1452 23 09


      = Taishō vol XI 635b28-c1. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1456 35 09


      = Taishō vol XI 635b16-19. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1464 36 16


      = Taishō vol XI 635b13-16. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1519 09 12


      = Taishō vol XI 632a21-23. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • Stein 5665 [4-38]


      = Taishō vol XI 637a4-27

    • Stein 5665 [4-37]


      = Taishō vol XI 636b28-c15

    • Дх2648-1


      = Taishō vol XI 633b2-3

    • Stein 5665 [4-9]


      = Taishō vol XI 633a28-b10

    • BD 7197


      = Taishō vol XI 633a1-15

    • BD 14836-2


      = Taishō vol XI 631c14-632a21

    • Ф112-3


      = Taishō vol XI 631c12-638c3

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • Taishō byline T310 (XI) 631c16: Anonymous, based on 'Qin catalog' 秦錄.

    Modern Editions (1)


    Taishō vol XI 631c15–638c4

  2. Yiri monibao jing 遺日摩尼寶經 (T0350)

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@.: See entry here.

    Modern Catalogue Info (2)

    • Nanjio 57
    • Korean 52

    Modern Editions (1)


    Taishō vol XII 189b4-194a19

  3. Moheyan baoyan jing 摩訶衍寶嚴經 (T0351)

    Witnesses (3)

    Manuscript (3)

    • CN LM20 1489 26 11


      = Taishō vol XII 195b8-10. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1488 20 02


      = Taishō vol XII 195b10-16. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • DE Ch/U 6655


      = Taishō vol XII 195c14-18

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • Taishō byline T0351 (XII) 194a24: Unknown translator of the Jin 晉 dynasty.

    Modern Editions (1)


    Taishō vol XII 194a21-200c9

  4. Dajiashe wen da baoji zhengfa jing 大迦葉問大寶積正法經 (T0352)

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • Taishō byline T0352 (XII) 200c16: Shihu 施護 (Dānapāla?) during the Song 宋 dynasty.

    Modern Editions (1)

  5. Baoji pin 寶積品 (T0659) (juan 7)

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (2)

    • Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@: See also entry here.
    • Taishō byline T0659 (XVI) 276b4: Attributed to Maṇḍalasena (Mantuoluoxian 曼陀羅仙) and Saṅghabhara (?Sengjiapoluo 僧伽婆羅).

    Modern Catalogue Info (2)

    • Nanjio 23
    • Korean 22


    T. 659 (XVI) 241b5–283b16.

  6. Jiashe jinjie jing 迦葉禁戒經 (T1469)

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@.: See entry here.

    Modern Catalogue Info (2)

    • Nanjio 1111
    • Korean 931

Other Classical Language Sources (2)

  1. Ratnakūṭa-sūtra (Kāśyapaparivarta) in Khotanese

    Studies (2)

    • Martini, Giuliana. 2011. “A Large Question in a Small Place: The transmission of the Ratnakūṭa (Kāśyapa­parivarta) in Khotan.” Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University / Soka Daigaku Kokusai Bukkyōgaku Kōtō Kenkyūjo 創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 14: 135–183.
    • Martini, Giuliana. 2018. “Tracing the sources of the Book of Zambasta: the Case of the Yakṣa painter simile and the Kāśyapaparivarta.” Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 3: 91–97.

    Modern Editions (2)

  2. Ratnakūṭa-sūtra (Kāśyapaparivarta) in Mongolian

    Studies (3)

    • Weller, Friedrich. 1961a. “Passive Ausdrucksweisen im mongolischen Texte des Kāśyapaparivarta.” Wissenschaftenliche Zeitschrift der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig, Gesellschafts- und sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe 10, no. 4: 563–602.
    • Weller, Friedrich. 1961b. “Qaγan und qan in der mongolischen Übersetzung des Kāśyapaparivarta.” Mitteilungen des Instituts fōr Orientforschung der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 8: 218–28.
    • Weller, Friedrich. 1965. “Buyu und bolai im mongolischen Texte des Kāśyapaparivarta.” Central Asiatic Journal 10: 3–43.

Commentaries (1)

  • *Ratnakūṭa-ṭīkā


    In Tibetan: ’Phags pa dkon brtsegs pa chen po chos kyi rnam grangs le’u stong phrag brgya pa las ’od srungs kyi le’u rgya cher ’grel pa (Pek. 5510, Derge 4009).

    In Chinese: Da Baoji jing lun 大寶積經論 (T1523). See Ono Genmyō, Bussho kaisetsu daijiten 佛書解說大辭典, 7.493c–494a, Sakurabe Bunkyō 櫻部文鏡.

    This commentary extensively quotes the sūtra.

    Ed. in both Tibetan and Chinese: Staël-Holstein, Alexander von. 1933. A Commentary to the Kāçyapaparivarta: Edited in Tibetan and Chinese. Peking: National Library of Peking and the National Tsinghua University.

    More recently see: Ōtake, Susumu 大竹晋. 2008. Shin Kokuyaku Daizōkyō 新国訳大蔵経, Shakukyōronbu 釈経論部 15, Daihōshaku kyōron 大宝積経論. Tokyo: Daizō shuppan 大蔵出版.

    Other references below under "Studies"

    Chinese version is attributed to Bodhiruci I of the Later Wei 後魏 between 508 and 535. See entry here.

Translations (10)


Studies (61)

  • Amano, Hirofusa 天野宏英. 1956 “Hōchōkyō ni tsuite” 寶頂經について. Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 印度学仏教学研究 4, no. 2: 157–58.
  • Cheng, Gongrang 程恭让. 2019. “Da baoji jing Jiaye pin shanqiao fangbian gainian sixiang yanjiu”《大宝积经·迦叶品》善巧方便概念思想研究. Zongjiaoxue yanjiu 宗教学研究2: 105–111.
  • Chen, Ming 陳明. 2003. “Fan Hanben Yiri Monibao jing ciyu zhaji” 梵漢本《遺日摩尼寶經》詞語札記. Hualin 華林 3, 127–133.
  • Chen, Ruixuan. 2018. “An Opaque Pun: Tentative Notes on Kāśyapaparivarta § 68.” Indo-Iranian Journal 61.4: 369–395.
  • Fujita, Yoshimichi 藤田祥道. 2006. “Daijō no shokyōron ni mirareu Daijō bussetsuron no keifu II: kashōbon: Budda no seppō to sono rikai” 大乗の諸経論に見られる大乗仏説論の系譜 : II.『迦葉品』: 仏陀の説法とその理解 [Development of the Theory for the Defense of the Grand Vehicle in Mahāyāna Sūtras and Treatises II: Kāśypaparivarta]. Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 佛教學研究 60–61: 44–65.
  • Hachiriki Hiroki 八力廣喜. 1967. “Purasannapadā no in'yō kyōten (2): Ratnakūṭasūtra no inyō ni tsuite” プラサンナパダーの引用經典(二): Ratnakūṭasūtraの引用について. IBK 15.2: 246–249.
  • Hachiriki Hiroki 八力廣喜. 1988. “Jūjūbibasharon ni okeru Kashōbon no inyō” 『十住毘婆沙論』における『迦葉品』の引用. Indotetsugaku Bukkyōgaku 印度哲学仏教学 3: 117–128.
  • Han, Xiaorui 韩潇锐. 2012. Xixia wen Da baoji jing Puming pusa hui yanjiu 西夏文《大宝积经·普明菩萨会》研究. MA thesis, Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan yanjiushengyuan 中国社会科学院研究生院.
  • Haseoka Kazuya 長谷岡一也. 1954. "Jūjūbibasharon ni okeru Kāçyapaparivarta no yinyō ni tsuite" 十住毘婆沙論に於けるKāçyapaparivartaの引用について. IBK 2.2: 200–203.
  • Hŏ Yŏngho 許永鎬. 1932. “Etsuika setsu hannyakyō ni tsuite” 曰遺日説般若經に就て. Bukkyōgaku kenkyūshitsu 佛教學研究室 (Taishō daigaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyūshitsu shitsuyū kenkyūkai 大正大學佛教學研究室室友研究會): 8–18.
  • Itō, Shinden 伊藤進傅. 2013a. “Daijō hōunkyō Hōshakubon wa Daihōshakkyō ‘Fumyō bosatsu e’ o sōnyū shita mono ka”『大乗宝雲経』「宝積品」は『大宝積経』「普明菩薩会」を挿入したものか. Eizan gakuin kenkyū kiyō 叡山学院研究紀要 35: 21–39(R).
  • Itō, Shinden 伊藤進傳. 2013b. “Hōunkyō to Daijōhōunkyō: Funan bukkyō o kangaeru ichi shiron”『宝雲経』と『大乗宝雲経』- 扶南仏教を考える一試論. Tendai gakuhō 天台学報 55: 13–23(R).
  • Jansen, Berthe. 2008. “The Thirteen Middle Ways According to Ngawang Khedrub: A Commentary in the Tibetan Language on the Middle Way Section of the Kāśyapaparivarta.” BA Thesis, Leiden University.
  • Karashima, Seishi. 2002. “Some features of the language of the Kāśyapaparivarta.” Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University / Soka Dai­gaku Kokusai Bukkyōgaku Kōtō Kenkyūjo 創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 5: 43–66.
  • Karashima, Seishi. 2004. “Sanskrit Fragments of the Kāśyapaparivarta and the Pañcapā-ramitānirdeśasūtra in the Mannerheim Collection.” Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University / Soka Daigaku Kokusai Bukkyōgaku Kōtō Kenkyū­jo 創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 7: 105–118 (with facsimiles).
  • Kawamura, Leslie. 2000. “The Middle Path According to the Kāśyapaparivarta-sūtra.” In Wisdom, Compassion, and the Search for Understanding: The Buddhist Studies Legacy of Gadjin M. Nagao, edited by Jonathan A. Silk, 221–232. Studies in the Buddhist Traditions 3. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.
  • Kudo, Noriyuki. 2004. “Remarks on the Orthography of the Kāśyapaparivarta Manuscripts: ‘Visarga-daṇḍa’ in Verses.” In Three Mountains and Seven Rivers: Prof. Musashi Tachikawa’s Felicitation Volumes, edited by Shoun Hino and Toshihiro Wada, 73–95. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
  • Martini, Giuliana. 2008. “Tracing the sources of the Book of Zambasta: the Case of the Yakṣa painter simile and the Kāśyapaparivarta.” Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 3: 91–97.
  • Martini, Giuliana. 2011. “A large question in a small place: the transmission of the Ratnakūṭa (Kāśyapa­parivarta) in Khotan.” Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University /Soka Daigaku Kokusai Bukkyōgaku Kōtō Kenkyūjo 創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報 14: 135–183.
  • Matsumoto Kōji 松本恒爾. 2010. "Chūronshū ni okeru Ratnakūṭa no in'yō ni tsuite" 中論註におけるRatnakutaの引用について [On citations from the Ratnakuta in two commentaries of the Mulamadhyamakakarika]. Bukkyōgaku 仏教学 52: 59-89.
  • Matsumoto, Koji 松本恒爾. 2012. “Ratnakūṭa-ṭīkā ni okeru Mūlamadhyamakakārikā ni tsuite” Ratnakūṭa-ṭīkāにおけるMūlamadhyamakakārikāについて. Taishō daigaku sōgō bukkyō kenkyūjo nenpō 大正大学綜合仏教研究所年報 34: 165–190(L).
  • Nagao, Gadjin 長尾雅人. 1973. “‘Kashōbon’ no shohon to ‘Daihōshakukyō’ Seiritsu no mondai” 『迦葉品』の諸本と『大宝積経』成立の問題 [Some problems of several versions of the Kāśyapa-parivarta and the formation of the Ta pao-chi ching]. Suzuki Gakujutsu Zaidan Kenkyū Nenpō 鈴木学術財団年報 10: 13–25.
  • Oguibénine, Boris. 1994. “Sur un fragment du Kāśyapaparivarta.” Journal Asiatique 282, no. 1: 111–124.
  • Ōno, Hōdō 大野法道. 1933. “Shōjōritsu toshite toriatsukawaretaru Daijō kaikyō: Kashōgonkaikyō, Shaminikaikyō, Daiaidōbikunikyō” 小乘律として取扱われたる大乘戒經ー迦葉禁戒經・沙彌尼戒經・大愛道比丘尼經ー. In Imaoka kyōju kanreki kinen ronbunshū (Jōdogaku 5–6) 今岡教授還暦記念論文集(淨土学五・六), edited by Kishi Kakuyū 岸覚勇, 386–399. Tokyo: Taishō Daigaku Jōdogaku Kenkyūkai 大正大學淨土研究會.
  • Ōno, Hōdō 大野法道. 1935. “Kashōgonkaikyō no kenkyū” 迦葉禁戒經の研究. In Bukkyō Nisengohyakunen Kinengakkai 佛教二千五百年記念學會, edited by Bukkyōgaku no Shomondai 佛教學の諸問題, 567–580. Tokyo: Iwanami shoten.
  • Ōno, Hōdō 大野法道. 1954. Daijō Kaikyō no Kenkyū 大乘戒經の研究. Tokyo: Sankibō busshorin.
  • Ōtake, Susumu 大竹晋. 2008. Shin Kokuyaku Daizōkyō 新国訳大蔵経, Shakukyōronbu 釈経論部 15, Daihōshaku kyōron 大宝積経論. Tokyo: Daizō shuppan 大蔵出版.
  • Pāsādika, Bhikkhu. 1980. “The Kāśyapaparivarta (‘Od-srung-gi le’u)-Prolegomena.” The Tibet Journal 5, no. 4: 48–58.
  • Pāsādika, Bhikkhu. 1991. “Bibliographical remarks bearing on the Kāśyapaparivarta.” Buddhist Studies Review 8, no. 1–2: 59–70.
  • Pāsādika, Bhikkhu. 1993. “Remarks on Two Kāśyapaparivarta Translations.” In Studien zur Indologie und Buddhismuskunde. Festgabe des Seminars für Indologie und Buddhismuskunde für Prof. Dr. Heinz Bechert zum 60. Geburtstag, edited by Reinhold Grünendal, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, and Petra Kieffer-Pülz, 213–220. Bonn: Indica et Tibetica Verlag.
  • Pāsādika, Bhikkhu. 1997–1998. “Two Quotations from the Kāśyapaparivarta in Nāgārjuna's Ṣūtrasamuccaya.” _Indologica Taurinensia _23–24: 313–320.
  • Pelliot, Paul. 1936. “Review of Staël-Holstein 1926 and 1933, and Weller 1933.” T’oung-pao 32: 68–76.
  • Sakaino Kōyō 境野黄洋. 1933. “Hōdōbu Kohon'etsu isetsu hannyakyō ni tsuite” 『方等部古品曰遺説般若經』に就いて [On the Fanedengbu Gupin Yueyi shuo Banre jing]. Komazawa Daigaku Bukkyōgakkai nenpō 駒澤大學佛教學會年報 3: 2–11.
  • Sasaki Masatoshi 佐々木雅敏. 1974. “Daihōshakukyōron (kāshapa no shō no schūshaku): ‘Kāshapa no shō’ no jo ni tai suru chūshaku made no shiyaku” 大宝積経論(カーシャパの章の註釈)-「カーシャパの章」の序に対する註釈までの試訳. Komazawa daigaku daigakuin bukkyōgaku kenkyūe nenpo 駒沢大学大学院仏教学研究会年報 8: 71–82.
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  • Shima, Yoshiatsu 島義厚. 1993. “Hōshakkyō ni okeru ekō” 宝積経における廻向. IBK 41, no. 2: 290–294.
  • Shiomi Tetsudō 鹽見徹堂. 1932. “Ryūju shoin no Daijōkyōten no ni san ni tsuite” 龍樹所引の大乘經典の二三に就て. Shūkyō Kenkyū 宗教研究 New series 9.6 (72): 91-104 (1031–1044).


    Find it here

  • Silk, Jonathan A. 2009. “Remarks on the Kāśyapaparivarta Commentary.” In Pāsādikadānaṃ: Festschrift für Bhikkhu Pāsādika, edited by Martin Straube, Roland Steiner, Jayandra Soni, Michael Hahn und Mitsuyo Demoto, 381–397. Indica et Tibetica 52. Marburg: Indica et Tibetica Verlag.
  • Silk, Jonathan A. 2010. “Test Sailing the Ship of the Teachings: Hesitant Notes on Kāśyapaparivarta §153–154.” In From Turfan to Ajanta: Festschrift for Dieter Schlingloff on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, edited by Eli Franco and Monika Zin, 897–924. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute: II.
  • Silk, Jonathan A. 2013. “The Nature of the Verses of the Kāśyapaparivarta.” Bulletin of the Asia Institute 23: 181–190. (Evo ṣuyadi: Essays in Honor of Richard Salomon’s 65th Birthday)
  • Silk, Jonathan A. 2022. “The History of the *Kāśyapaparivarta in Chinese Translations and Its Connection with the Mahāratnakūṭa (Da Baoji jing 大寶積經) Collection.” With Gadjin M. Nagao. Journal of the American Oriental Society 142.3: 671–697.


    Find it here

  • Skjærvø, Prods Oktor. 2003. “Fragments of the Ratnakūṭa-sūtra (Kāśyapaparivarta) in Khotanese.” In Religious Themes and Texts of Pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia: Studies in Honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday on 6th December 2002, edited by Carlo G. Cereti, Mauro Maggi, Elio Provasi and Gherardo Gnoli, 409–420 [pls. 11–12]. Wiesbaden: Reichert.
  • Sōma, Kazui 相馬一意. 1978. “Yuinichimanikyō ni tsuite” 遺日摩尼經について. IBK 27.1: 164–165.
  • Sōma, Kazui 相馬一意. 1979. “Daihōshakukyō Kashōbon ni okeru bosatsu” 大寶積經迦葉品における菩薩. Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 仏教学研究 35: 28–46.
  • Tagami, Taishū 田上太秀. 1976. “Kashōbon ni okeru hosshin ni tsuite” 迦葉品における発心について [The Conversion in the Chapter on Kāsappa(sic)]. Shūkyō Kenkyū 宗教研究 49, no. 3 (226): 177–178.
  • Takasaki, Jikidō 高崎直道. 1961. “Hōshakubu to Bodairushi” 宝積部と菩提流志 [The Mahāratnakūṭa section and Bodhiruci]. Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kaiin Tsūshin 大正新脩大蔵経会員通信 17: 2–3.
  • Takasaki, Jikidō 高崎直道. 1988. “‘Hōshakukyōron’ to ‘Yugaron Jōketchakubun’” 「宝積経論」と「瑜伽論摂決択分」. In Fujita Kōtatsu Hakase Kanreki Kinen Ronshū: Indo Tetsugaku to Bukkyō 藤田宏達博士還暦記念論集・インド哲学と仏教, edited by Fujita Kōtatsu Hakase Kanreki Kinen Ronshū Kankō-kai-hen藤田宏達博士還暦記念論集刊行会編, 473–495. Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten平楽寺書店.
  • Takeuchi, Shōkō 武内紹晃. 1967. “Kāçyapaparivarta no Chūdōsetsu o megutte” Kāçyapaparivarta の中道説をめぐって. Ryūkoku Daigaku Ronshū 龍谷大学論集 383: 55–78.
  • Tsukinowa, Kenryū 月輪賢隆. 1934. “Daihōshakushōbōkyō no ketsubun ni tsuite” 大寶積正法經の缺文に就て. Seizan gakuhō 西山学報 7: 64–73.


    Reprinted in Tsukinowa (1971): 356-363.

  • Tsukinowa, Kenryū 月輪賢隆. 1935. “Kohon ‘Daihōshakukyō’ ni tsuite” 古品『大寶積經』に就て. In Bukkyōgaku no Shomondai 佛教學の諸問題, edited by Bukkyō Nisengohyakunen Kinengakkai 佛教二千五百年記念學會, 849–865. Tokyo: Iwanami shoten.


    Reprinted in Tsukinowa (1971): 393-407.

  • Tsukinowa, Kenryū 月輪賢隆. 1971. Butten no Hihanteki Kenkyū 仏典の批判的研究. Kyoto: Hyakkaen.
  • Ueda, Yumiko 上田愉美子. 1995a. “Daihōshakukyōron no chūshakukeitai”『大宝積経論』の注釈形態 [A Study of the Commentary on “Kāśyapaparivarta”]. Ryūkoku Daigaku Daigkuin Kiyō: Bungaku Kenkyū 龍谷大学大学院紀要: 文学研究科 16: 1–16.
  • Ueda, Yumiko 上田愉美子. 1995b. “Daihōshakukyōron no kyōten kaishaku o megutte” 『大宝積経論』の経典解釈をめぐって [Sūtra interpretation in the Kāśyapaparivarta commentary]. Shūkyō Kenkyū 宗教研究 303: 243–244 (935–936).
  • Ueda, Yumiko 上田愉美子. 1997a. “Shishushamon ni tsuite” 四種沙門について. Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 70, no. 4: 257–258(R).
  • Ueda, Yumiko 上田愉美子. 1997b. “Shishu shamon o megutte: Kāśyapa parivarta §121~133 ni taisuru Daihōshakukyōron ryakushaku, kōshaku no chigai” 四種沙門をめぐって: 『Kāśyapa parivarta』§121~133に対する『大宝積経論』略釈‧広釈の解釈の違い [A Study on Mahā-Ratna-kūṭa-sūtra-śāstra §121–133]. Bukkyō Kenkyū 仏教学研究 53: 28–56.
  • Vongagsorn, Kittipong. 2020. A Study of the composition, transmission, and development of the Kāśyapaparivarta. MA thesis, Cornell University.
  • Weller, Friedrich. 1933. Index to the Tibetan Translation of the Kāçyapaparivarta. Harvard Sino-Indian Series I (Cambridge: Harvard-Yenching Institute).
  • Weller, Friedrich. 1963. “Betrachtungen über einen Ratnakūṭa-Text." Forschungen und Fortschritte 37.12: 369–374. Reprinted in Weller 1987: I.537–542.
  • Weller, Friedrich. 1963. “Betrachtungen über einen Ratnakūṭa-Text.” Forschungen und Fortschritte 37, no. 12: 369–374.


    Reprinted in Weller 1987: I.??

  • Weller, Friedrich. 1987. Kleine Schriften. Two Volumes. Glasenapp-Stiftung Band 26. Stuttgart and Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner.
  • Yoshimura, Shyuki. 1966. “The Thirty-two Instructions in the Kāśyapaparivata.” In Kanakura Hakase Koki Kinen: Indogaku Bukkyō­gaku Ronshū 金倉博士古希記念・印度学仏教学論集, edited by Kanakura Hakase Koki Kinen Ronshū Kankokai金倉博士古稀記念論文集刊行会, 55–71. Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten.

Titles (10)

  • Baoji pin 寶積品
  • Da Baoji jinglun 大寶積經論
  • Dajiashe wen da baoji zhengfa jing 大迦葉問大寶積正法經
  • Jiashe jinjie jing 迦葉禁戒經
  • Moheyan baoyan jing 摩訶衍寶嚴經


    After the title we find the phrase yiming Da jiashe pin 一名大迦葉品, “Alternate title: *Mahā-kāśyapaparivarta.”

  • Puming pusa hui 普明菩薩會
  • Yiri monibao jing 遺日摩尼寶經


    The term yiri 遺日 in the title occurs in the sūtra itself (§52) more fully as yiriluo 遺日羅. Wogihara Unrai suggested that this is probably an error for yiyueluo 遺曰羅, a transcription of the Sanskrit term vipula or vaipulya. Paul Pelliot agreed, and further suggested that the reading be weiyueluo, rendering Prakritic vivula = vipula. The term monibao 摩尼寶 is a standard transcription-cum-translation of maṇi-ratna. Accepting these revisions, the title of the text may have been a Prakrit version of something like Sanskrit Vaipulya-maṇiratna or Ratnakūṭ̣a-vaipulya. Wogihara made his suggestion to Staël-Holstein, as the latter reports 1926: IX. See also Tsukinowa 1935:?? = 1971: 395. Pelliot discussed the phonetics of the transcription in some detail, 1936: 69-70. The Chu sanzang ji ji T. 2154 (LV) 19b19 lists a 大珍寶積惟日經一卷. The same is found in the Kaiyuan shijiao lu T. 2154 (LV) 518b16, with remarks c1-6. This is almost identical with the reading in the Han translation of the KP itself §52: 極大珍寶之積遣日羅經.

  • ’Od srung gi le’u
  • *Kāśyapaparivarta


    The title *Kāśyapaparivarta is conventional for a text that in Sanskrit was certainly called the Ratnakūṭa-sūtra. It is never cited in Sanskrit sources any other way. [Apple 2017: 208 is misleading; his reference to a work of Atiśa tells us only that the Tibetan translators substituted a title known in Tibet.] This however is the title quoted in Kanjurs, namely Ārya-Kāśyapaparivarta nāma mahāyāna-sūtra. It is conventionally referred to as KP. In the 至 catalogue, at 186b7 it is erroneously stated that the title is missing.

  • 至: According to 186b7, Tibetan missing.

Cross-reference text locations across different versions

H L J Q M S Skt SI P/2 Tib Dunhuang Tib Cy-T Cy-C
0 189b8 194a25 631c18 200c18 x x x x x
1 189b9 912a10 194a28 631c22 276b6 200c21 x x x x x
2 189b14 194b4 631c26 276b11 201a6 x x x x x
3 189b18 194b10 632a2 276b17 201a20 x x x x x
4 189b21 194b15 632a6 276b21 201b6 x x x x
5 189b26 194b21 632a12 276b29 201b22 x x x x
6 189c1 194b26 632a16 276c4 201c8 x x x x
7 189c7 194c4 632a24 276c12 202a2 x x x x
8 189c10 194c9 632a28 276c20 202a13 x x x x
9 189c15 194c16 632b6 276c28 202b6 x x x x
10 189c19 194c21 632b10 277a6 202b20 x x x x x
11 189c23 194c26 632b16 277a12 202c8 x x x x x
12 189c28 195a3 632b20 277a17 202c21 x x x x x
13 190a8 195a7 632b24 277a20 203a3 x x x x x
14 190a12 195a11 632b28 277a24 203a16 x x x x x
15 190a2 195a17 632c4 277a29 203a29 x x x x
16 190a5 195a21 632c8 277b4 203b11 x x x x
17 190a16 195a25 632c13 277b9 203b22 x x x x
18 190a19 195b1 632c16 277b13 203c3 x x x x
19 195b5 632c20 203c14 x x x x
20 190a22 195b10 632c23 277b16 203c25 x x x x x
21 277b21 204a7 x x x x
22 277b25 204a19 x x x x
23 190a26 195b15 632c27 277b28 204b14 x x x x x
24 190b2 195b23 633a4 277c5 204b22 x x x x
25 190b8 195b28 633a9 277c10 204b27 x x x x
26 190b14 195c7 633a15 277c18 204c4 x x
27 190b14 204c14 x x
28 204c27 x x
29 195c8 633a16 277c19 205a4 x x x x
30 190b19 195c12 633a20 277c23 205a16 x x x x
31 190b17 195c15 633a23 277c25 205a25 x x x x
32 190b20 195c16 633a24 277c27 205b3 x x x x
33 205b9 x x x
34 190b23 195c18 633a27 277c29 205b15 x x x x
35 190b21 195c19 633a28 278a2 205b21 x x x x
36 190b24 195c21 633b1 278a4 205b27 x x x x
37 195c23 633b4 278a6 205c6 x x x x
38 195c25 633b6 278a9 205c12 x x x x
39 190b26 195c26 633b7 278a11 205c18 x x x x
40 190b28 195c28 633b9 278a13 205c26 x x x x
41 190c1 196a2 633b12 278a15 206a5 x x x x
42 190c3 196a3 633b14 278a17 206a12 x x x x
43 190c5 196a5 633b16 278a19 206a18 x x x x
44 190c2 196a7 633b18 278a21 206a24 x x x x
45 190c6 196a8 633b20 278a24 206b1 x x x x
46 190c9 196a9 633b22 278a25 206b7 x x x x
47 190c11 196a12 633b24 278a28 206b15 x x x x
48 190c12 196a15 633b27 278b1 206b23 x x x x x
49 196a16 633b28 278b3 206c2 x x x x x
50 278b5 206c8 x x x
51 278b8 206c10 x x x
52 190c14 196a17 633c2 278b11 206c12 x x x x x
53 196a21 633c5 278b14 206c18 x x x
54 190c19 196a23 633c7 206c22 x x x
55 206c26 x x x
56 190c17 196a26 633c9 278b16 206c29 x x x x x
57 196a28 633c11 278b18 207a3 x x x x x
58 190c21 196b1 633c13 278b20 207a6 x x x x x
59 190c23 196b3 633c15 278b22 207a9 x x x x x
60 190c25 196b7 633c19 278b26 207a14 x x x x x
61 190c27 196b9 633c21 278b28 207a20 x x x x x
62 196b13 633c25 278c3 207a24 x x x x x
63 191a1 196b22 634a5 278c12 207b8 x x x x x
64 191a5 196b29 634a11 278c18 207b15 x x x x
65 191a9 196c5 634a16 278c23 207b22 x x x x
66 191a12 196c9 634a20 278c27 207c3 x x x
67 191a16 196c13 634a24 279a2 207c16 x x x
68 191a19 196c15 634a27 279a5 207c24 x x x
69 191a18 196c18 634a28 279a7 208a3 x x x
70 191a21 196c20 634b2 279a10 208a15 x x x x
71 191a27 196c26 634b8 279a16 208b11 x x x x
72 191b5 197a1 634b12 279a21 208b29 x x x
73 191b6 197a2 634b15 279a23 208c7 x x x
74 191b7 197a3 634b16 279a25 208c1 x
75 191b10 197a5 634b18 279a26 208c20 x x x
76 191b11 197a6 634b20 279a28 208c25 x x x
77 191b13 197a7 634b21 279b1 209a1 x x x x
78 191b12 197a9 634b23 279b3 209a9 x x x x
79 191b15 197a10 634b25 279b4 209a16 x x x x
80 191b20 197a11 634b26 209a23 x x x x
81 191b24 197a15 634c1 209b4 x x x x
82 191b16 197a20 634c4 209b16 x x x x
83 191b27 197a22 634c8 279b6 209b28 x x x x
84 209c26 x x
85 191c4 197a29 634c14 279b11 209c16 x x x x
86 191c6 197b2 634c16 279b13 210a11 x x x x
87 191c8 197b4 634c18 279b15 210a21 x x x x
88 191c11 197b6 634c21 279b18 210b4 x x x x
89 210b15 x x
90 191c14 197b9 634c24 210b23 x x x x
91 191c16 197b11 634c26 210c2 x x x x
92 197b13 634c28 210c15 x x x x
93 191c18 197b15 635a2 279b21 210c25 x x x x
94 191c21 197b17 635a5 279b25 211a2 x x x x
95 191c28 197b23 635a13 279c3 211a11 x x x x
96 192a3 197c3 635a24 279c16 211a18 x x x
97 192a8 197c9 635b2 279c22 211a25 x x x x
98 192a13 197c13 635b9 280a1 211b2 x x x x
99 192a17 197c21 635b16 280a8 211b10 x x x x x
100 192a21 197c25 635b21 280a14 211b14 x x x x x
101 192a25 198a1 635b24 280a17 211b19 x x x x x
102 192b1 198a5 635c1 280a22 211b23 x x x x x
103 192b6 198a13 635c9 280a29 211b29 x x x x x
104 192b10 198a19 635c16 280b8 x x x x x
105 192b15 198a26 635c2 280b15 x x x x x
106 192b19 198b2 636a1 280b21 x x x x
107 198b7 636a6 280b26 x x x x
108 192b25 198b10 636a10 280c2 211c14 x x x x
109 192b27 198b12 636a12 280c4 211c23 x x x x
110 198b14 636a15 280c6 212a2 x x x
111 192c2 912a14 198b15 636a16 280c7 212a9 x x x x x
112 192b29 912a11 198b17 636a18 280c10 212a18 x x x x
113 192c3 912a15 198b18 636a19 280c11 212a24 x x x x
114 192c5 912a16 198b20 636a21 280c13 212a29 x x x x
115 192c8 912a19 198b22 636a23 280c14 212b7 x x x x
116 192c6 912a18 198b24 636a24 280c16 212b14 x x x x
117 192c11 912a21 198b26 636a26 280c17 212b20 x x x x
118 192c13 912a23 198b28 636a27 280c19 212b26 x x x x
119 212c8 x x
120 192c9 x x x
121 192c15 912a25 198c1 636a29 280c21 212c9 x x x x x
122 192c18 912a28 198c4 636b3 280c24 212c13 x x x x x
123 192c21 912b1 198c7 636b6 280c27 212c18 x x x x x
124 192c24 912b4 198c13 636b12 281a4 212c26 x x x x x
125 192c27 912b7 198c18 636b17 281a10 213a4 x x x x x
126 213a18 x x
127 193a5 912b13 198c29 636b29 281a23 213b13 x x x x x
128 193a9 912b16 199a3 636c4 281a26 213b23 x x x x
129 193a11 912b19 199a6 636c7 281a29 213c3 x x x x
130 193a12 199a8 636c9 281b3 213c13 x x x x
131 193a14 912b20 199a11 636c11 281b5 213c21 x x x x
132 193a15 912b21 199a13 636c13 281b7 214a1 x x x x
133 193a16 912b22 199a14 636c15 281b9 214a10 x x x x
134 193a17 912b25 199a17 636c17 281b12 214a21 x x x x x
135 193a23 912c1 199a25 636c28 281b22 214b8 x x x x x
136 193a28 912c6 199b9 637a6 281b29 214b16 x x x x
137 193b4 912c10 199b15 637a26 281c20 214c3 x x x x
138 193b10 912c16 199b25 637b12 282a6 214c19 x x x x
139 193b14 199b28 637b15 282a9 214c23 x x x
140 193b17 199c4 637b20 282a15 214c29 x x x
141 193b25 199c10 637b28 282a23 215a10 x x x x
142 193c4 199c16 637c4 282b2 215a20 x x x
143 193c9 199c22 637c10 282b7 215a26 x x x
144 193c15 199c28 637c17 282b15 215b3 x x x x
145 193c20 200a6 637c25 282b22 215b10 x x x x
146 193c25 200a11 637c29 282b26 215b16 x x x x
147 193a94a1 200a13 638a6 282c2 215b20 x x x x
148 193a8 200a18 638a13 282c9 215b25 x x x
149 193a14 200a26 638a20 282c16 215c4 x x x x
150 638a22 282c18 215c7 x x
151 638a25 282c22 215c11 x x
152 638a29 282c29 215c20 x x
153 638b4 283a4 215c23 x x
154 638b12 283a13 215c28 x x
155 638b19 283a20 216a6 x x
156 638b27 283a29 216a14 x x
157 200a29 283b4 216a17 x x x x
158 216a21 x x x x
159 200b26 283b10 216a27 x x x
160 200b3 216b4 x x x x
161 200b9 216b11 x x x x
162 200b15 216b18 x x x
163 200b20 216b24 x x
164 216c1 x
165 216c21 x x
166 193a16 200c6 638c2 216c26 x x

Commentary Concordance, KP and the Yogācārabhūmi

kpcy otake kpcytaisho kpcyderge ybhtaisho ybhderge otaketib kpsutra
0 7 52 204c6 201a4 738c28 102b6 439 §0
I-II 69 130 211c6 215b6 741a24 107b6 440 §16
III 96 164 214c19 ——— ——— 108a7 458 §22
IV 102 172 215b12 223a7 741c23 109a4 460 §25 (§26ø)
V 113 182 216a16 225b5 §49 (§§50-51ø)
V-bis 113-119 184-191 216a20 225b7 742a13 109b3 464 §§29-49
VI 130 208 218a7 229b5 §70
VI-bis 130-152 208-232 218a11 229b7 742c17 111a1 467 §§56-71
VII 157 236-238 220a18 236a4 §§90, 88, 91-92 (§89ø)
VII-bis 166 246 221a7 238a7 744a16 113b7 479 §92
VIII 181 266 222b19 242a3 §104
VIII-bis 203 288 224a8 247b2 745a12 116a4 485 §104
IX 209-210 296-298 222b29 249a1 (§§119-120ø)
IX-bis 220 (414) 225a15 251b5 745c15 117b7 494 §118
X 224 310 225c2 252b4 §124
XI 231 319 (416) ——— 254b1 §133
XII 232 316 (417) 226a15 254b2 §134
XIII 234 318 (418) 226a23 255a4 §135
X-bis 247 330n ——— 258a5 746a9 118b1 496 §132
XI-bis 247 330n ——— 258a6 746a16 118b4 497 §133
XII-bis 248 330 (331n) 227a3 258a7* 746b7 119a4 499 §134
XIII-bis 259 342 227c26 261a5 746b17 119a7 499 §137
XIV 291 348 228b19 269a2 §144
XIV-bis 296 354 228c18 270a3 746c12 120a2 501 §144
XV 301 360 229b4 271b2 §148
XV-bis 310 370 230a8 274a1 746c28 120b1 503 §149 (§§150-156ø)
XVI 321 (521) 230b10 276b3 747a21 121a2 505 §§161-166 (§164ø)
Suggest an edit to this sutra