Source Information:

London fragment Ch. 0079b

Associated Sutra


First edited by de la Vallee Poussin, L. 1911. “Documents Sanscrits de la Seconde Collection M. A. Stein (Continued from the July Journal, p. 777).” The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1063–1079, within which p. 1077–1079.

Photos were published in Stein, Marc Aurel. 1921. Serindia: Detailed Report of Explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China. London: Oxford University Press. IV plate CXLII.

This was identified by Matsuda Kazunobu 松田和信 . 1988. Indoshō toshokan shozō Chūo ajia shutsudo Daijō Nehangyō bonbun dankanshū: Sutain Herunre korekushon インド省図書館所蔵中央アジア出土大乗涅槃経梵文断簡集 —スタイン・ヘルンレ・ コレクション (Tokyo: Tōyō bunko 東洋文庫): 2–3n3.

This identification was taken up and the fragment reedited, without any reference to Matsuda, by Matsumura, Hisashi. 1993. “Marginalia to the Sanskrit Fragments of Some Buddhist Texts.” Central Asiatic Journal 37: 120–149, see pp. 143–145.

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