Chang, Garma C.C. (general ed.). 1983. A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras: Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra, 134-148. University Park and London: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
Traditional Bibliographic
Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@:
Attr. to Bodhiruci since the KYL. Full entry on Bodhiruci forthcoming.
Reference in Modern
Encylopedia/Reference Work
= Taishō vol XI 777c27-28. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館
CN LM20 1493 13 01
= Taishō vol XI 779a9-11. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館
Ōtani 谷大2-13
= Taishō vol XI 778a27-780c30
= Taishō vol XI 778a3-11
Woodblock Print
For ancient print editions other than the Taishō, see CBETA listing here
Re. T315.
Traditional Bibliographic
DTNL 233b24:
康八年正月出見聶眞録. Published Feb 10, 287. Attr. Zhu Fahu, *Dharmarakṣa.
DTNL 247c12-13:
Claims a second translation, roughly the same as/based on roughly the same text as the Zhu Fahu translation, was produced by Qi/Zhiduomi 祇多蜜.
KSL 626c27-627a1:
"Puwenpin-jing 1 juan. This is the second translation. It and the tenth section (of the Mahāratnakūṭa) are the same text. Altogether there are three translations, two extant, and one lost.” 普問品經一卷 東晉西域三藏祗多蜜譯 第二譯 右一經與第十文殊普門會同本 前後三譯兩在一闕. 仁壽録 juan 5. (= ZXSM 960b25-28)
Chang, Garma C.C. (general ed.). 1983. A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras: Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra, 134-148. University Park and London: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
Studies (1)
Dhammadinnā. 2014. “‘Mahāratnakūṭa’ Scriptures in Khotan: A quotation from the Samantamukhaparivarta in the Book of Zambasta.” ARIRIABS 17: 337–348.