Sutra Information:

48 Śrīmālādevīsiṁhanāda


The Śrīmālādevīsiṁhanāda has been a highly influential text in East Asia, as well as in some varieties of Tibetan Buddhism. As such, the bibliography on the text is extremely large and the items noted here are only a small portion of what is available, particularly in Japanese scholarhip.

Chinese Sources (2)

  1. Shengman furen hui 勝鬘夫人會 (T0310[48])

    Witnesses (2)

    Manuscript (2)

    • Stein 5665 [4-8]


      = Taishō vol XI 677a6-20

    • Stein 3990 [1]


      = Taishō vol XI 673a25-b24

    Translations (2)

    • Shōman fujin-e 勝鬘夫人會


      Kokuyaku issaikyō: Hōshaku­bu 國譯一切經・寶積部 vi.343–63 (2195–2215). Nagai Makoto 長井眞琴.

    • The True Lion's Roar of Queen Śrīmālā.


      Chang, Garma C.C. (general ed.). 1983. A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras: Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra, 363–386. University Park and London: The Pennsylvania State University Press.

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@: Bodhiruci (full entry and CBC@ coming soon).


    Taishō vol XI 672c14–678c4

  2. Shengman shizihou yisheng dafangbian fangguang jing 勝鬘師子吼一乘大方便方廣經 (T0353)

    Witnesses (28)

    Manuscript (28)

    • DE Ch 1307c


      = Taishō vol XII 221b9-11

    • DE Ch 1307d


      = Taishō vol XII 221a22-25

    • DE Ch 1307b


      = Taishō vol XII 220c21-26

    • DE Ch 1307a


      = Taishō vol XII 220a6-15

    • DE Ch 3755r


      = Taishō vol XII 219a19-24

    • DE Ch 2725


      = Taishō vol XII 219a16-18

    • CN LM20 1519 10 07


      = Taishō vol XII 222c6-11. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1496 33 02


      = Taishō vol XII 222b16-19. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1500 34 06


      = Taishō vol XII 221b19-21. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1488 04 03


      = Taishō vol XII 219b7-15. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • CN LM20 1519 10 06


      = Taishō vol XII 218b6-10. Lüshun Museum collection 旅順博物館

    • Дх3850


      = Taishō vol XII 223a18-26

    • BD 9744


      = Taishō vol XII 221c3-222a15

    • BD 10485


      = Taishō vol XII 221c3-7

    • BD 8185


      = Taishō vol XII 220c13-222b3

    • BD 7002


      = Taishō vol XII 220a18-b24

    • Дх2896


      = Taishō vol XII 219c9-15

    • Stein 2771


      = Taishō vol XII 219a22-223b14

    • BD 1612


      = Taishō vol XII 218c23-223b14

    • BD 9734


      = Taishō vol XII 218c16-24

    • BD 6696


      = Taishō vol XII 218c5-223b10

    • Stein 1027


      = Taishō vol XII 218c2-223b15

    • Stein 992


      = Taishō vol XII 217c9-223b14

    • Pelliot Chn 5028 (15)


      = Taishō vol XII 217c7-11

    • Stein 2526


      = Taishō vol XII 217a3-219c22

    • BD 2710


      = Taishō vol XII 217a3-218a11

    • 散5[6]


      = Taishō vol XII 217a3-8

    • Ch/U 7489r (T II S 32)


      = Taishō vol XII 219a16–18

    Translations (1)

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (3)

    • KSL T2154 (LV) 627c1-4: Zhisheng claims there were a total of 3 translations of this text, but one is 'missing' 闕. He attributes the missing one, which he titles 勝鬘經一卷, alt. 勝鬘師子吼一乘大方便經, to *Dharmakṣema 曇無讖. This entry in KSL is translated in: Chen, Ruifeng. 2020. Informed Textual Practices? A Study of Dunhuang Manuscripts of Chinese Buddhist Apocryphal Scriptures with Colophons. PhD Diss. Pp, 144-145: Scripture of [the Queen of] the Wondrous Garland in one fascicle (also called Scripture of [the Queen of] the Wondrous Garland of the Lion’s Roar of One Vehicle of Great Expedient).
      Translated by [Master of] Three Repositories, Tanwuchen, from Sindhu (India) during the Northern Liang [state] (the first translation).
      The one scripture above and the Assembly for the Queen of the Wondrous Garland, [Chapter] Forty-eight [of the Great Jewel-heap Scripture], are from the same original.
      Altogether there are three translations [of this scripture], of which two of them have survived, and one translation missing. (The Fourteenth Fascicle of the Record of Śākyamuniʼs Teachings, Compiled during the Kaiyuan Era)
    • KSL 528a4-5: Guṇabhadra (Qiunabatuoluo 求那跋陀羅). 元嘉十三年八月十四日於丹陽郡出寶雲傳語慧觀筆受 = September 10, 436.
    • Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@: See full entry here.

    Modern Catalogue Info (2)

    • Nanjio 59
    • Korean 54


    Taishō vol XII 217a2-223b17

Translations (9)


Studies (59)

  • Chen Peiran 陳沛然. 1995. "Shengmanjing zhi kongbukong rulaizang"『勝鬘經』之空不空如來藏. Ehu yuekan 鵝湖月刊 237: 2–8.
  • Fujieda Akira 藤枝晃. 1969. "Hokuchō in okeru Shōmangyō no denshō"「北朝における『勝鬘経』の伝承」Tōhō gakuhō 東方學報 40: 325–349.
  • Fujieda, Akira 藤枝晃. 1985. “Hokuchō ni okeru Shōmangyō no denshō” 北朝における『勝鬘経』の伝承. In Shōtoku Taishi to asuka bukkyō 聖徳太子と飛鳥仏教, edited by Tamura Enchō 田村円澄 and Kawagishi Kōkyō 川岸宏教, 228–262 (R). Nihon bukkyō shūshi ronshū 日本仏教宗史論集 1. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan 吉川弘文館.
  • Fujii, Kyōkō 藤井教公. 1996. “Tendai Chigi to Shōmangyō” 天台智顗と『勝鬘経』. In Indo shisō to Bukkyō bunka: Imanishi Junkichi kyōju kanreki kinen ronshū インド思想と仏教文化-今西順吉教授還暦記念論集, edited by Imanishi Junkichi kyōju kanreki kinen ronshū kankōkai 今西順吉教授還暦記念論集刊行会, 411–422(R). Tokyo: Shunjūsha 春秋社.
  • Furuta, Kazuhiro 古田和弘. 1976. “Chūgoku Bukkyō ni okeru Shōmangyō no juyō to tenkai” 中国仏教における勝鬘経の受容と展開. In Bukkyō shisō ronshū: Okuda Jiō sensei kiju kinen 仏教思想論集:奥田慈応先生喜寿記念, edited by Okuda Jiō sensei kiju kinen kankōkai 奥田慈応先生喜寿記念論文集刊行会, 683–694(R). Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten 平楽寺書店.
  • Hashimoto, Hōkei 橋本芳契. 1964. “Shōmangyō no nenbutsugi ni tsuite” 「勝鬘経」の念仏義について. Shinshū kenkyū: Shinshū rengō gakkai kenkyū kiyō 真宗研究:真宗連合学会研究紀要 9: 133–140.
  • Hayakawa, Takashi 早川貴司. 2008. “Kōtakuji hōun to Shōmangyō” 光宅寺法雲と『勝鬘経』. IBK 57, no. 1: 80–83(L).
  • Hayashima, Kyōshō 早島鏡正. 1998. “Shinjin ni yoru satori: Shōmangyō no mezasu mono” 信心によるさとり-勝鬘経の目指すもの. Nihon Bukkyō bunka ronsō: Kitabatake Tensei hakase koki kinen ronbunshū 日本仏教文化論叢:北畠典生博士古稀記念論文集 1, ed. Kitabatake Tensei hakase koki kinen ronbunshū kankōkai 北畠典生博士古稀記念論文集刊行会, 15–36. Kyoto: Nagata Bunshōdō 永田文昌堂.
  • Hirai, Yūkei 平井宥慶. 1984. “Tonkōbon Yuimagyō sho to Shōmangyō sho” 敦煌本・維摩経疏と勝鬘経疏. IBK 33, no. 1: 72–76.
  • Ichikawa Yoshiya 市川良哉.1970. "Hōshōron no in'yō kyōten" 宝性論の引用経典 [Ratnagotravibhāga sūtra quotations]. IBK 19.1: 212–216.
  • Inōe, Zenemon 井上善右衛門. 1942. “Shōmangyō no daijō shisō” 勝鬘経の大乗思想. Nikka Bukkyō kenkyūkai nenpō 日華仏教研究会年報 5: 17–36.
  • Kagawa, Takao 香川孝雄. 1957. “Shōmangyō no kenkyū: Toki ni nyoraizō shisō o chūshin to shite” 勝鬘経の研究 - 特に如来蔵思想を中心として [A Study Śrimāla-sūtra: focused on Tathāgatagarbha]. Bukkyō daigaku kenkyū kiyō 仏教大学研究紀要 32: 1–34.
  • Kagawa, Takao 香川孝雄. 1972. “Shōmangyō ni okeru bonnōsetsu no seiritsu” 『勝鬘経』における煩悩説の成立. In Jōdokyō no shisō to bunka: Etani Ryūkai sensei koki kinen 浄土教の思想と文化 — 恵谷隆戒先生古稀記念, edited by Etani Ryūkai sensei koki kinenkai 恵谷隆戒先生古稀記念会, 1045–1066(R). Kyoto: Bukkyō daigaku 仏教大学.
  • Kamiya, Masayoshi 神谷正義. 1973. “Shōmangyō ni okeru zenshin fuzenshin ni tsuite” 勝鬘経における善心・不善心について [A Study on the ‘kuśala-citta’ and ‘akuśala-citta’ in the Āryaśrīmālā-sūtra]. IBK 22, no. 1: 360–364.
  • Kanaji, Isamu 金治勇. 1969. “Shōmangyō ni okeru jikaku to shin” 勝鬘経における自覚と信. Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 42, no. 3: 88–89(R).
  • Kiyota, Minoru. 1983. “Faith, Wisdom and Practice as Essential Elements of Ekayāna ― a Prelude to and Investigation of Tathāgatagarbha Thought: An Exposition based upon the Śrīmālā-devīsiṃhanāda-sūtra and Shōmangyo-gisho.” In Bukkyō to bunka: Nakamura Zenkyō sensei shōtoku kinen ronshū 仏教と文化:中川善教先生頌徳記念論集, edited by Kōyasan daigaku bukkyōgaku kenkyūshitsu 高野山大学仏教学研究室, 15–46(L). Kyoto: Dōhōsha 同朋舎.
  • Koizumi, Enjun 古泉円順. 1976. “S2430 tonkōbon Shōmangyō chūshakusho dankan” S二四三〇敦煌本『勝鬘経注釈書』断簡. In Bukkyō shisō ronshū: Okuda Jiō sensei kiju kinen 仏教思想論集:奥田慈応先生喜寿記念, edited by Okuda Jiō sensei kiju kinen kankōkai 奥田慈応先生喜寿記念論文集刊行会, 695–712(R). Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten 平楽寺書店.
  • Koizumi, Enjun 古泉圓順. 1989. “Shōmangyō no juyō” 『勝鬘経』の受容. Ronshū Nihon bukkyō shi 論集日本仏教史 1: 199–238(R).
  • Kubota, Chikara 久保田力. 1999. “Shōmangyō ni okeru tairiki bosatsu no seiritsu” 『勝鬘経』における大力菩薩の成立. IBK 48.1: 269–274.
  • Lamao Zhaxi 拉毛扎西 [Lama Bkra shis?]. 2015. "Shengmanjing rulaizang sixiang yanjiu" 『勝鬘經』如來藏思想研究. Qingnian yu shehui 青年與社會 1: 363.
  • Lin Jian 林健. 2014. Shengmanjing sanjia zhushi yanjiu: yi qi dui 'Rulaizang' de jiedu wei zhongxin 『勝鬘経』三家注釈研究:以其對“如來藏”的解讀為中心. PhD thesis Peking Univ.
  • Matsuda Kazunobu 松田和信. 1999. "Sukoien Korekushon no Shinzaikyō dankan ni tsuite" スコイエン・コレクションの『新歳経』断簡について [Sanskrit Fragments of the *Pravāraṇāsūtra in the Schøyen Collection]. IBK 48.1: 207–214 (366–359).
  • Matsumoto, Shirō 松本史朗. 1983. “Shōmangyō no ichijōshisō ni tsuite: Ichijōshisō no kenkyū (3)” 『勝鬘経』の一乗思想について—一乗思想の研究(III). Komazawa daigaku daigakuin bukkyōgakubu kenkyū kiyō 駒沢大学仏教学部研究紀要 41: 37–64(L).
  • Mizuo, Genjō 水尾現誠. 1973. “Fukushi no Shōmangyō chūkai” 馥師の勝鬘経注解. Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 46, no. 3: 129–130(R).
  • Mizuo, Genjō 水尾現誠. 1976. “Shōmangyō jūdaiju no kaishaku” 勝鬘経十大受の解釈. Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 50, no. 3: 162–163.
  • Mizuo, Genjō 水尾現誠. 1979. “Gangyō no Shōmangyō kaishaku ni tsuite” 元暁の勝鬘経解釈について. Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 52, no. 3: 186–187.
  • Mizuo, Genjō 水尾現誠. 1981. “Shōmangyō ‘taishibetzuhonsho’ ni tsuite” 勝鬘経「太子別本疏」について. Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 54, no. 3: 225–226 (469–470).
  • Mizuo, Genjō 水尾現誠. 1983. “Shōmangyō to shakai rinri” 勝鬘経と社会倫理. Nihon bukkyō gakkai nenpō 日本仏教学会年報 47: 69–78.
  • Mochizuki Ikken 望月 一憲. 1976. "Shōmangyō to Shōmangyō gisho to" 勝鬘経と勝鬘経義疏と [A Study of the Śrīmālādevī-sūtra and Its Commentary]. Bukkyō shisō ronshū: Okuda Jiō sensei kiju kinen 仏教思想論集:奥田慈応先生喜寿記念 (Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten 平楽寺書店): 51–62.
  • Nakai, Honshū 中井本秀. 1993. “Shōmonjūbutsuron no ichisokumen: Shōmangyō Gejinmikkyō o chūshin to shite” 声聞成仏論の一側面-『勝鬘経』『解深密経』を中心として. In Chi no kaikō bukkyō to kagaku: Tsukamoto Keishō kyōju kanreki kinen ronbunshū 知の邂逅 仏教と科学-塚本啓祥教授還暦記念論文集, edited by Tsukamoto Keishō kyōju kanreki kinen ronbunshū kankōkai 塚本啓祥教授還暦記念論文集刊行会, 293–305(R). Kōsei shuppansha 佼成出版社.
  • Ōchō, Enichi 横超慧日. 1976. “Chūgoku bukkyō ni okeru Shōmangyō no teichaku” 中国仏教学界における勝鬘経の定着 [The Indigenization of the Śrīmālādevī-Sūtra in Buddhist Academic Circles in China]. In Bukkyō shisō ronshū: Okuda Jiō sensei kiju kinen 仏教思想論集:奥田慈応先生喜寿記念, edited by Okuda Jiō sensei kiju kinen kankōkai 奥田慈応先生喜寿記念論文集刊行会, 663–682(R). Kyoto: Heirakuji shoten 平楽寺書店.
  • Oda, Akihiro 織田顕祐. 1991. “Gunabadara yakushutsu kyōten ni okeru ‘nyoraizō’ no gainen” 求那跋陀羅訳出経典における「如来蔵」の概念. Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 64, no. 4: 180–181(R).
  • Oda, Akihiro 織田顕祐. 1993. “Bodairushi yakushutsu kyōten ni okeru nyoraizō no gainen” 菩提流支訳出経論における如来蔵の概念. IBK 41, no. 2: 32–39.
  • Ogawa Ichijō 小川 一乗. 1971. "Shōmangyō no genten kaimei o shikō shite: Hōshōron shoin no Shōmangyō honbun ni taisuru Daruma Rinchen no shakusho" 勝鬘経の原典解明を志向して: 宝性論所引の勝鬘経本文に対するダルマリンチェンの釈疏. Shōtoku Taishi kenkyū 聖徳太子研究 6: 29–49.
  • Paul, Diana. 1979. “The Concept of Tathāgatagarbha in the Śrīmālādevī Sūtra (Sheng-Man Ching).” JAOS 99, no. 2: 191–203.
  • Paul, Diana Y. 1974. “A Prolegomena [sic!] to the Śrīmālādevī Sūtra and the Tathāgatagarbha Theory: The Role of Women in Buddhism.” PhD dissertation, University of Wisconsin.
  • Sakai, Yūen 坂井祐円. 2002. “Shōmangyō jukki o tōshite goshōka kubetsusetsu o saikō suru: Shussei daijō to shōnyū daijō no gainen o chūshin to shite” 『勝鬘経述記』を通して五性各別説を再考する - 出生大乗と摂入大乗の概念を中心として. IBK 50, no. 2: 145–147.
  • Satō, Shingaku 佐藤心岳. 1965. “Gokō ni okeru ‘Shōmangyō’ no kenkyū” 呉興における「勝鬘経」の研究. IBK 14, no. 1: 148–149.
  • Satō, Shingaku 佐藤心岳. 1968. “Suidai ni okeru ‘Shōmangyō’ no rufu no jitsu jō” 隋代における「勝鬘経」の流布の実情. IBK 16, no. 2: 332–335.
  • Satō, Shingaku 佐藤心岳. 1969. “Tōdai ni okeru ‘Shōmangyō’ no rufu ni tsuite” 唐代における「勝鬘経」の流布について. IBK 17, no. 2: 282–285.
  • Satō, Shingaku 佐藤心岳. 1984. “Chūgoku ni okeru Shōmangyō no kenkyū kōsetsu” 中国における『勝鬘経』の研究講説. In Bukkyō bunka ronkō: Tsuboi Shun’ei hakushi shōju kinen 仏教文化論攷-坪井俊映博士頌寿記念, edited by Tsuboi Shun’ei hakushi shōju kinenkai 坪井俊映博士頌寿記念会, 953–986(R). Kyoto: Bukkyō daigaku 仏教大学.
  • Shichiri, Gōken 七里恒賢. 1976. “Shōmangyō to nyoraizōshin” 『勝鬘経』と如来蔵心. Shūgakuin ronshū 宗学院論輯 21: 124–161.
  • Silk, Jonathan A. 2024. “Remarks on a Recent Study of the Śrīmālādevīsiṁhanādanirdeśasūtra.” Indo-Iranian Journal 67.1: 53–80.
  • Sun, Hao. 2018. The tathāgatagarbha Theory in the Śrīmālāsūtra (Berlin: Peter Lang)
  • Takasaki Jikidō 高崎直道. 1976. "Kumoi Shōzen-cho Shōmangyō" 雲井昭善著『勝鬘経』 [S. Kumoi: Ārya Śrīmālādevī-siṃhanādanāmamahāyānasūtra: Japanese Translation with Exposition]. Bukkyōgaku seminā 佛教学セミナー 24: 76–79.
  • Tatsumura, Ryūhei 竜村竜平. 1975. “Shōmangyō ichijōshisō no ichishiten” 勝鬘経一乗思想の一視点. IBK 24, no. 1: 196–199.
  • Tatsumura, Ryūhei 竜村竜平. 1977. “Shōmangyō ichijō shisō to Hokkekyō 'Yakusōyu-hon' no kankei ni tsuite” 勝鬘経一乗思想と法華経薬草喩品の関係について. IBK 25, no. 2: 132–133.
  • Tokiya, Kōki 釈舎幸紀. 1986. “Shōmangyō no kan-zōryōyaku no hikaku” 勝鬘経の漢・蔵両訳の比較. Tōkai bukkyō 東海仏教 31: 43–59.
  • Tsukinowa, Kenryū 月輪賢隆. 1936. “Seizōyaku Shōmangyō ni tsuite” 西藏譯勝鬘經について. Ryūkoku gakuhō 龍谷學報 315: 112–120.
  • Tsurumi, Ryōdō 鶴見良道. 1974. “Shōmangyō no nyoraizōsetsu: Bonnō to no kankei kara” 勝鬘経の如来蔵説-煩悩との関係から [A Study of the Tathāgatagarbha Theory of the Śrimālādevīsiṃhanāda Sūtra: in terms of ‘Klesa’]. IBK 23, no. 1: 162–163.
  • Tsurumi, Ryōdō 鶴見良道. 1975. “Shōmangyō ni okeru nishu shōjigi” 勝鬘経における二種生死義. Komazawa daigaku daigakuin bukkyōgaku kenkyūkai nenpō 駒沢大学大学院仏教学研究会年報 9: 85–96.
  • Tsurumi, Ryōdō 鶴見良道. 1975. “Shōmangyō no ‘rokushiki kyū shinhōchi’ kaishaku: Shōman hōkutsu o chūshin to shite” 勝鬘経の「六識及心法智」解釈-『勝鬘宝窟』を中心として. IBK 24, no. 1: 320–323.
  • Tsurumi, Ryōdō 鶴見良道. 1976. “Shōmanhōkutsu no nishu nyoraizō kūchi” 『勝鬘宝窟』の二種如来蔵空智. Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 49, no. 3: 207–209(R).
  • Tsurumi, Ryōdō 鶴見良道. 1977. “Kichizō Shōmanhōkutsu to Shōmangyō chūgoku shochūshakusho” 吉蔵『勝鬘宝窟』と『勝鬘経』中国諸註釈書. IBK 26, no. 1: 273–275.
  • Ui Hakuju 宇井伯寿. 1958. "Shōmangyō no bonbun danpen" 勝鬘経の梵文断片 [The Fragments of the Uttaratantra [sic; read Śrīmālā] written in Sanskrit]. Nagoya daigaku bungakubu kenkyū ronshū tetsugaku 名古屋大学文学部研究論集:哲学 100.1: 189–210.
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  • Yang Dong 楊東. 2004. "Shengmanjing zhong de 'Rulaizang' sixiang ji qi fazhan" 『勝鬘經』中的“如來藏”思想及其發展. Zhonghua wenhua luntan 中華文化論壇 2: 124–127.
  • Yang Yufei 楊玉飛. 2017. "Shōmangyō jūjushō ni tsuite" 勝鬘経』十受章について: 中国諸注釈書の異同 [Ten Great Vows Chapter of the Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanādasūtra: the Differences and Similarities in the Chinese Exegetical Tradition]. Sengokuyama Bukkyōgaku ronshū 仙石山仏教学論集 9: 1–39.
  • Zapart, Jarosław. 2017. “The Buddha as I: Selfhood and Identity in Śrīmālādevī-siṃhanāda-sūtra.” Studia Religiologica 50.2: 145–161.

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  • 阿唎二合亜尾喩訶八哩二合巴哩赤三合


    至 186b29-30

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