Sutra Information:

9 Daśadharmaka


Jingwugou miaojing baoyuewang pusa 淨無垢妙淨寶月王菩薩 (in T. 310 Jingwugou baoyuewang pusa 淨無垢寶月王菩薩) asks about why monks are called monks who dwell in the Mahāyāna, in answer to which it is taught that perfecting ten things (daśadharma) a bodhisattva is said to dwell in the Mahāyāna. The ten are: 1) Perfecting true faith; 2) perfecting practice; 3) perfecting one’s nature; 4) enjoying the bodhicitta; 5) enjoying the teachings; 6) enjoying contemplating the true teachings; 7) practicing the true teachings and the gradual teachings; 8) distancing oneself from pride and conceit; 9) understanding well esoteric expressions; 10) not delighting in disciples and lone buddhas. Reasons are also given why the Mahāyāna is so called: 1) The Tathāgata rides it to unexcelled perfect awakening; 2) it is the superior vehicle; 3) it is the profound vehicle; 4) it is the exquisite vehicle; 5) it is the victorious vehicle; 6) it is the unexcelled vehicle; 7) it is the vehicle without evil; 8) it is the peerless vehicle; 9) it is the unequalled vehicle, equal to the unequalled. The sūtra ends with its entrustment to Ānanda.

Tibetan Sources (1)

  1. Chos bcu pa (D53)

    Witnesses (2)

    Woodblock Print (1)

    Manuscript (1)

    • P tib. 91


      Lalou cat. suggests the identification of a portion of the manuscript with the Daśadharmaka; see here

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (2)

    • Colophon. Derge print: Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde. For colophons, visit the rKTs webpage
    • Ldan kar ma 33: ’phags pa chos bcu pa / 500 ślo ka / 1 bam po / 200 ślo ka //

Chinese Sources (2)

  1. Dasheng shifa hui 大乘十法會 (T310[9])

    Witnesses (1)

    Manuscript (1)

    • BD 4724 (2)


      = Taishō vol XI 154b6–c8

    Translations (1)

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • KSL T2154 (LV) 542a26: 元象二年於鄴都出第二譯與梁僧伽婆羅出者同本今編入寶積當第九會名大乘十法會. Attr. to *Buddhaśānta (Fotuoshanduo 佛陀扇多) (542b15).


    Taishō vol XI 151a3–158c3

  2. Dasheng shifa jing 大乘十法經 (T314)

    Witnesses (1)

    Woodblock Print (1)

    • T. 314

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (6)

    • Chinese Buddhist Canonical Attributions database CBC@: See entry.
    • ZXSM 835b24 = KSL.: 835b24 = KSL.
    • KSL T2154 (LV) 537b18: 初出與元魏覺定所出十法經同本普通年譯亦直云十法經 (the last six characters missing in S, Y, M); attr. to Sengqiepoluo 僧伽婆羅 (537c7).
    • DTNL 265c26: 普通年譯. Attr to Sengqiepoluo 僧伽婆羅, * Saṅghabhadra or *Saṅghavarman (a.k.a. Sengkai 僧鎧).
    • LDSBJ T2034 (ILIV) 98b21ff.: 普通元年, attr. Sengqiepoluo 僧伽婆羅.
    • GYT 364b24-25: c2 trans. in 520 (Tian 天監 5), or between 520-536 (普甬 1 = 520 in 正觀寺 in 楊都) by Sengqiepoluo 僧伽婆羅.

    Modern Catalogue Info (2)

    • Nanjio 29
    • Korean 28


    T. 314 (XI) 764a14–770b26.


Studies (1)

  • Takasaki, Jikidō 高崎直道. 1972. “Daijō jūhōkyō no nyoraizōsetsu” 大乗十法経の如来蔵説. Bukkyō shisō ronsō: Satō hakase goki kinen 仏教思想論叢:佐藤博士古希記念, edited by Satō hakase koki kinen ronbunshū kankōkai 佐藤密雄博士古希記念論文集刊行会, 131–153 (L). Tokyo: Sankibō busshorin 山喜房仏書林.


    Tomomatsu Entai 友松圓諦. 1972. “Mujinzai to Buha” 無尽財と部派 [The Inexhaustible Gift and Sectarian Buddhism]. In Satō Mitsuo Hakase Koki Kinen Ronbunshū Kankōkai 佐藤密雄博士古希記念論文集刊行会 ed., Satō Hakase Koki Kinen: Bukkyō Shisō Ronsō 佐藤博士古希記念・佛教思想論叢 (Tokyo: Sankibō Busshorin 山喜房佛書林): 191-200, on p. 192, identifies this text as a Mahāsāṅghika -> Mahāyāna work on the basis of its portrayal of the treatment of the Buddha’s leftover food.

Titles (1)

  • 阿唎二合亜 怛沙達囉二合麻迦


    至 184b27

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