Sutra Information:

14 Nandagarbhāvakrāntinirdeśa


See #13, which is in many respects the same text. According to Kritzer 2012: 133, the Tibetan title of this translation and that of D 57 were switched, since chutai 處胎 corresponds to mngal na gnas pa while rutaizang 入胎藏 corresponds to mngal du ’jug pa.

Tibetan Sources (2)

  1. Dga’ bo mngal na gnas pa bstan pa (D57)

    Witnesses (1)

    Woodblock Print (1)

    • Tibetan witness(es) for Tshe dang ldan pa dga’ bo mngal du ’jug pa bstan pa (D58)
      can be found on the rKTs webpage

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (3)

    • Traditional catalogues and colophons: See details about Tibetan sources here
    • Ldan kar ma 37/38: ’phags pa mngal du ’jug pa bstan pa / 300 ślo ka / 1 bam po.
    • ’Phang thang ma : Ueyama 1990: 129 (2) says that there is a stong chance that this is due to Chos grub.


    For Ueyama 1990: 129 (2) there is a strong chance that this is due to Chos grub. See also Sakurabe 1930: 154.

  2. Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya Kṣudrakavastu

    Witnesses (1)

    Woodblock Print (1)

    • Tibetan witness(es) of Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya Kṣudrakavastu
      can be found on the rKTs webpage


    D 6 'dul ba, tha, 124b6–153a1.

Chinese Sources (2)

  1. Foshuo rutaizang hui 佛説入胎藏會 (T310[14])

    Witnesses (3)

    Manuscript (3)

    • BD 3356-1


      = Taishō vol XI 326b8–331a12

    • DE Ch/U 7240


      = Taishō vol XI 330b25-c2.

    • DE Ch/U 7093


      = Taishō vol XI 330c3-8 (or T 1451 [XXIV] 255c27-256a4).

    Translations (1)

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • KSL 584c15-20.: Attr. to Yijing 義淨 in 710 ( 景龍 4) at Dajianfu-si 大薦福寺. Also incl. the following information:


      [1] 本 in 大,read 今 in 宋, 元, 明.

      The alternative reading 今 from SYM seems preferable.

      KSL describes this as a text belonging content-wise to the 'vehicle of auditors' and not strictly as a 'bodhisatva vehicle' work.


    Taishō vol XI 326b9–336c21

  2. Genben shuo yiqieyou bu pinaiye zashi 根本説一切有部毘奈耶雑事 (T1451)

    Witnesses (1)

    Woodblock Print (1)

    • T1451 (XXIV) 251a15-?

    Traditional Bibliographic Attestations (1)

    • KSL 567a23-24: 出根本説一切有部毘奈耶雑事第十一十二卷 景龍四年於大薦福寺譯 今編入寶積當第十四會 改名入胎藏會. According to this KYL entry, T310(14) is simply an extract from T1451.


    T. 1451 [XXIV] 253a16–260c1.

Studies (3)

  • Kritzer, Robert. 2012. “Tibetan Texts of Garbhāvakrāntisūtra: Differences and Borrowings.” ARIRIABS 15: 131–145.


    According to Kritzer 2012: 133, the Tibetan title of this translation and that of the following (D 57) were switched, since chutai 處胎 corresponds to mngal na gnas pa while rutaizang 入胎藏 corresponds to mngal du ’jug pa.
    NST colophon: lo tstsha ba ’gos Chos grub kyis rgya nag gi [N rgya’i] dpe las bsgyur cing zhus te gtan la phab pa. Most important is Kritzer 2012; see also Sakurabe 1930: 153-154; Ueyama 1990: 126-129; Kritzer 2014.

  • Silk, Jonathan A. 2019. “Chinese Sūtras in Tibetan Translation: A Preliminary Survey.” Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University 22: 227–246.


    See pp. 232–233.

  • Wang, Peipei 王培培. 2017. “Xixia wen Foshuo ru taizang hui di shisi zhi er kaoshi” 西夏文《佛说入胎藏会第十四之二》考释. Xixia yanjiu 西夏研究3: 28–43.

Titles (1)

  • See #13
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